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Drinking Games for Your Next Night In

Are you tired of the same old weekend routine and looking to add some excitement to your next night in? Maybe you want to switch things up and get everyone laughing, talking, and maybe even a bit competitive. If so, drinking games are a fantastic way to energize your evening. Whether you're in college, out of college, or just looking for a good time with friends, the right game can make all the difference. This article introduces https://thechuggernauts.com/best-9-drinking-games-for-uni-students/. We've got games for any group and enough face cards so everyone playing receives a card. But remember, drinking games should be fun and never a means to over-consume alcohol. So gather your friends, make sure you've got a drink and a table, and let's get started!

Nine Drinking Games for College Students

When it comes to drinking games, college students are often at the forefront of creativity. Whether it's a classic game of questions intent on revealing deep secrets or a high-energy game with no max capacity, the options are endless. Here are nine drinking games you must try at least once.

Game That Requires Wit and Attentiveness: Detective

One classic drinking game that's always a hit is Detective. In this game, each person draws a card. The person who draws the Ace is the detective, and the one who draws the King is the killer. The game continues and the detective drinks every time they guess wrong. The objective is to catch the killer before they eliminate everyone. This game requires a bit of wit and attentiveness as you try to decipher who is who based on their actions and reactions. It also involves cards so everyone playing receives a card. Ready your drinks and put on your detective cap for a game full of suspense.

Classic Game of Questions Intent on Revealing Secrets

Ever is the classic game of questions intent on revealing something new about each person. In this game, each person will take a turn saying something that they have never done. If someone in the group has done it, they must take a drink. It's a great way to learn new things about your friends and to share some laughs. This game doesn't require a dealer or a table, just a group of friends and your choice of drink.

A New York Twist: Drinking Games in the Big Apple

What better way to experience the spirit of New York than by playing drinking games that celebrate its essence? Whether you're a native or just visiting, these games incorporate the city's culture and vibe. For instance, one might involve taking a sip every time someone says "Subway," or taking a shot every time someone complains about the rent. Remember, everyone playing is together in one room, making the experience truly social and engaging.

Eight Games Are Classics for a Reason

From beer pong to flip cup, some drinking games are classics for a reason. These games usually involve a table, cups, and sometimes balls or other props. With each successful shot resulting in a drink for the opposite team, these games are both competitive and entertaining. They also provide the opportunity to exchange one of their cards for another, creating a dynamic element. Both members get one turn per round, making it a team effort.

Dos and Don'ts

As you navigate through these drinking games, there are some important dos and don'ts to consider. Do ensure that everyone is of legal drinking age and do set some ground rules to keep things safe. Don't pressure anyone into playing or drinking more than they are comfortable with. Also, don't forget to eat something before you start, as drinking on an empty stomach can be dangerous.


Q: Can these games be played without alcohol?
A: Absolutely, you can substitute alcohol with soft drinks, juice, or water.
Q: How many players are needed for these games?
A: The number of players can vary. Some games require a minimum of two, while others are better suited for larger groups.
Q: Is it essential to use cards in these games?
A: Not necessarily, although cards add an extra layer of fun and complexity.

Final Thoughts

Whether you are in college or not, drinking games offer a fun and interactive way to spend your evening. Always remember, the primary intent is not to drink excessively but to have a great time with friends. Ensure that everyone playing is together in one room to make the most of these games. So, if you are looking for drinking games for your next night in, you now have nine excellent options to choose from. Cheers to a night of fun, laughter, and maybe a little competition!

Useful Resources: https://usawire.com/scholarships-for-native-american-students-2023/